Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Psychology---study of human mind and behaviour

At this point in time, its abt week 9 of term 1, veahave scored better in tests than most people that beat( or totally destroyed and humiliated) me in grades. There is one key difference btw NOW and THEN.THEN, year 2005 (charity rox) I see people study and cramming things into their mind that i myself panic that i did not study and try last minute work< results failed miserably. NOW, year 2006, I have never study for any test from start of the year till now, seriously. just before i enter the classroom, i just read a list of possible answers, and basically (try to) keep calm and positive. oddly enuff, the test become rather easy and i have no problem dealin with it. end of test, everyone saein wah so difficult, fail liao la yet they are the ones who score the highest.anyway, when the papers are returned, i suprisingli scored rather well(my own standard) and beat a few others(hehehehe). okay so i failed 1 test. so what, i go home with a happy face and forget it, why? remembering such things can make one unhappy and honestly ask yourself, isit worth getting yourself sad over ONE lousy test ?

After this string of events, i realised that how you feel, how you react to the teachers' supposed "clues" and even how others react are reflected in test results. When a person is panicky, shocked or frustrated, their heart rate increases and they start to sweat, thoughts of "wah lao fail liao, so difficult" speed across their minds, limiting the space of actual productive thinking.

When a person is positive and calm, they will be doing things much more efficiently than their peers, even though they are not as smart. they are capable of using their minds to their fullest potential. Thats' why i think that durin O levels' results ceremony, many people think that they could have scored much higher.

That is what I learnt for 2 months of 2006, which is probably than any maths formula geography facts. Try it, keep a cool head during a test(which you paid attention to in class) and skip all that studying and panicking involved.
maybe it will be for the batter,who noes

Another point i want to make is that people dont think and dey just yell out no if the teacher asks if there is supposed to be a test. if the teach saes there is a compre, or compo, or anything else doesnt need studyin, they shld take the closest date possible or esle it will all be crammed at thurs or friday

people in humility class..... get 59/70 not happi, get 27/30 aso not happi.... whats up wit this perfectionism.... nobodi's gunna blame u if u did ur best

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