Friday, August 17, 2007

Really Insensitive Questions

After Reading Some Other People's Blogs
and from conversations with other people

i realized what kind of world i lived in
"the world is beautiful, yet the people who lived there weren't "

Here are some very VERY insensitive questions
If you think you will be offended, please don't read
i will refer to everyone by name
including my friends

Chances are, some of what i wrote there are wrong, so correct me, besides I'm already being so brutally honest.

To Bryan:
Why is it that you study ( a lot more than me ) and yet you get very low scores, as if you didn't study at all?

To Wei Quan:
Is it worth being a Chairman and adding one more thing to your already impressive list of achievements, when you are forced to make decisions that will hurt the ones that you were supposed to lead and become the dog of your superiors?

To Zheng Yang:
Why are you wearing the tie when we all know you hate it?

To Evon:
Does staying in the EXCO for 2/3 years collecting money and writing down staff count as experience in the sense that you know how to deal with people better? eg. How can you believe a newbie counsellor instead of me when i have stayed in the EXCO for 2/3 years ( Because I think i have more experience than you in handling people while working for 1 month )

To Wayne:
What if it was you were fat and people were laughing at you for being fat?

To Caiyi:
Why must talk as if every statement was directed at you, as if everyone was talking to you?

To Wen Hui:
Why do you remain friends with a hypocrite, AFTER knowing that they are hypocrites?

To Xiao Tong:
Why do you remain friends with a hypocrite, AFTER knowing that they are hypocrites?
(Same Question)

To Chun Ling:
Why are you such a hypocrite, and start scolding me just because your friends are too?

To Grace:
Why must you type at everyone else's tagboard that i decided to "lock my blog up"
And Why do you cheer when theres no lesson even though you don't participate in it when there is a lesson?

To Wei Xiang:
Why do you talk so big and yet do so little?

To Eugene:
Why do you deny it (your relationship)?

To Miss Tan Bee Tin:
Why do you keep saying i can't achieve my goals, when you tell my parents that i can because i am intelligent?

To Joan:
Why do you think phark shouldn't be said in front of you, when you say shoots and oh my tian regularly in front of everybody? ( Its just another slang word )

To Guan Zhong:
Why do you deny studying after getting high marks for a test, but not when you get low marks for 1?

To Xin Hui:
What is wrong with my pool table fund?

To Sirs and Ma'ams Of HOLY NPCC ( Probably Not Everyone ):
Why did you always scold us for our mistakes, while you can laugh and joke with the 4 when they commit one? ( not always, but it happens quite often that most of us realizes it)

To Qianru:
Why let go of your hatred for pretty much everything? eg. 2 charity 05

To Miss Lim Lin Lin:
Why do you need so many people to be your lackeys? Doesn't the SLB have enough people that you need those CCA Leaders

To Mrs Wong Vei Li:
Why must you always chuckle a bit ( Hum Chio ) After you scold someone?

To God / Buddha / Whoever:
Why weren't humans made perfect when you have the power to make it so?

To Myself:
Why am i doing "art" when i clearly suck at it?

Qns: Should I really post this entry?
Ans: Yes

Everyone must question their own conscience some time or rather
and i realized that prayer helps you connect with your god, rather than make you find your own mistakes

Sometimes people cannot see their own faults, including me

Sometimes we need other people to tell it to us straight, no sugar-coating
Its not worth being sensitive to feelings when nothing gets done.

Chances are, some of what i wrote there are wrong, so correct me, besides I'm already being so brutally honest.

If you hate me after reading this post, too bad
But ask yourself, Am i accusing you of anything ot merely making a statement not intended to offend you?
remember to check the definition of "accuse"

"The world is beautiful, yet the people who lived there weren't"
please support them

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