Saturday, August 23, 2008

fking bitch/bastard person

a few people will probably think that im refering to them
but the actual one im referring to will never know

isit possible to hate someone enough to want them to fail in life
people in sr think im violent and crude
at least im getting the point across

tomorrow we'll be visiting Gabriel
hope he is having a much better time than me
he probably is
we miss him alot
i miss him alot too
he never spoke much to me
but still
some part of me still wishes he was here instead of me
a lot of times i get under pressure
the kind of pressure i give myself
the kind of pressure others give me simply because they expect me to be that good
the kind where people depend on you
i look to him for inspiration
he's the only one i know who was up to the task
who could do things well and talk things through
maybe if he din go, i wouldn't even remember him that well
but still

its not worth it

The Man Who Can't Be Moved - The Script
looking for this song for damn long
heard it 3 or 4 times over the radio, couldnt catch the lyrics properly
the song sounds very nice, very touching
its actually a story
a man decides to stay at the street where he first met the woman he loved
when the woman is no longer with him, he decides to stay at that street until the woman comes to find him, not moving away despite the police finding him.

it's very touching to me, i have a simple and naive way of thinking
i just want to block out everything that makes this world imperfect
help a child

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