Sunday, February 15, 2009

All magicians are

lying, cheating swindlers

but you know what's worse
people who sell you magic (stuff)

basically, because you are buying an idea rather than an actual item, most of the time. they can charge you exorbitant prices for that idea

so today i bought 2 things, 1 thumb tip flame and 1 ghost deck

the ghost deck was awesome no doubt about it

but the thumb tip flame was just a goddamed fake thumb with a wick attached, the metal even came off after 2 tries
i am completely disappointed with this and best of all, guess how much it's sold in retail
thirty hard-earned dollars
you cant even light it on it's own, its just a stinking fake thumb with a failing wick
this will really teach me to do MORE research before buying stuff
but still i did try and find videos of it in action but i couldn't
so i thought lets go with the gut feeling
which failed

the thing about magic being sold is that many times you will never find out until you fork out the cash
for example, a tattoo joe dvd is sold on the premise that it will teach you a trick that supposedly makes a tattoo appear on your hand and then disappear. that tattoo can be anything, a card, a name, a kiss

it costs 75$

seventy five dollars

and i torrented the video only to find out that the trick only included one magic marker
the trick itself comprised of using pantyhose with your words written covering you hand

roll it up behind your sleeve and unroll as you show it

seventy five dollars for that

i feel sorry for people who bought it

sianz still missing my 30 $

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