Thursday, November 12, 2009

A level math

paper 1 was done a few days ago, i did it sick and coughing

i actually gt the flu the day before the paper, then the days it self i got a combination of both flu and sore throat, then i took medicine, now my flu's gone, but i developed coughing. now i have coughing, sore throat and a build up of phlegm, and not to mention a sore right eye, which feels like i got punched in the eye, but i actually didn't, unless somebody hypnotized me and made me sleep walk into an ongoing bar fight.

anyway, on to what you actually care about

my math results.

in case you were wondering where i got the answers, TA-DA, wonder no more. i just googled for answers and out it came, pretty nifty huh.

also, i wrote down all my answers, just the final answers, of my paper 1 so that i could check and gauge roughly how much i could have gotten.

the magic number here is 57

upon 100

which is like i said just a rough gauge, lots of things that i can't really take into consideration like error carried forward, which would affect about 2 qns which is about 8 marks ( meaning if they were generous i should get about 5 marks out of 8), also a lot of "exact values" type answers, which i could be marked down for because i always take the physics way out and just write all the numbers in 3 sig fig. that will affect roughly 4 marks i think, and lastly some show and proofing type qns which i couldn't really add to my answer sheet, which should also be around 4-ish marks.

and not forgetting moderation which is essentially the "My-head-is-a-lemon-your-argument-is-invalid" method of avoiding arguing with parents over marks.

oh yeah i went there.

anyway, i'm not putting my hopes up to high and can safely (or naively) believe that i can get within 60-70, which is the B range. also, that means that if i can get my paper 2 to be above 80, i can almost definitely get an A. that is if i'm not dreaming.

GP also passed sometime ago. i did qns 7, thanks for asking. to those not taking the paper, it's actually "how far should religion influence political decisions?" i can almost hear all of the millions and millions of GASPS going "he didn't do the science question?!?" i was actually thinking of which of the 2 to do, and because they were actually side by side, being qns 7 and 8. i just decided to start thining of ideas for both at the same time. qns 7 was just lucky to be the number that is higher that 8. Qns 8 must be thinking "Curse you, number 7 for being one less than me!!!!"

content wise, i don't think there should be a major problem, should be just largely nit-picking at words that i should not have used but used anyway, things that make the red alert in the marker's head go off, like the word "still" or "always" and stupid things like that.

the comprehension was a lot tougher though. the stupid author decided to talk about something stupid like work and play, which made it s much harder to paraphrase since all the words that have the same meaning are already used by him, like leisure, and activity.

still have a lot more papers to go, probably the least confidence i have is in economics, because i will probably do-or-die with chemistry, you know, just like o levels.

also, if any of you sharp-eyed freaks have noticed, i actually have a double eyelid in one eye and a single eyelid in the other. Thanks, flu disease, you just disfigured my face, now anyone who sees me will turn into stone. I hope you're happy.

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