Sunday, February 07, 2010


state of which one is able to answer for one's conduct and obligation

obviously the picture was just a small thing

but it made a huge impact

because it was something you believed in

and something you hold close to your heart

and when somebody who doesn't care

twists it into something inhumane and offensive

you become outraged

you think its' distasteful

but that's only because you associate it with so many other things

so the next time you make fun of people worshiping elephants and cows or people counting their money or having big noses.

think about jesus pointing that middle finger at you

because that's what i would do

had i been jesus

but i'm not

so i'm relegated to lose

i will probably never win

because i am not the majority

and for everyone person i offend

a thousand can overwhelm me

yet if you do the same to someone else

nobody can stop you

we can only shut up and suck thumb

i'm still a small little ant in this world

but that does not mean i have to fear everything else

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