There are 2 tropes in film and TV I always find endearing: 1 is narration over the entire story and the other is when a person picks up something entirely new for the sake of trying to get his crush's attention.
When there's a narrator present, it changes of event after event after event happening to a very campfire-story like feel. A narrated story gets more depth because of the input by the narrator, usually in the form of a more experienced version of the main character or someone who witnessed the story. They can describe things like thoughts or foreshadowing in a more personal, conversational style.
But that's not what I liked about this video. There is this part where the girl picks up a skill to help her connect with the guy she likes, something that she never even knew about him before. That was the part where my facial expression changed from curious eyes, to awwww-smile.
I think the reason why I'm so attached to this is that I always put myself in the person's shoes, especially in shows where its not entirely fantastical like superhero movies or animals or whatever.
And even though I can logically reason out why this would be a terrible idea from the perspective of the crush, I still can't emotionally put myself in that position. In my mind, I KNOW and UNDERSTAND why this would be such a creep move, but I still can't help but root for the other person. Learning something new is very very hard and under ordinary circumstances, nobody would find the time or energy to do it. But when the motivation of simply getting someone's attention becomes the main focus, all the inertia and reluctance sort of melts away. You stop looking at this actually useful thing as a chore and simply look at it as another thing you do to get forward. It becomes this really sweet gesture, because unlike buying flowers or whatever, it actually takes hard work and time. Somebody is working hard for love. That is pretty much the definition of such shows.
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