So strange things often can't explain. Here's a quick list I came across/ thought of.
A shadow always appearing either at the edge of your vision or at the exit which disappears every time you glance at it.
Sometimes you will think you hear someone calling your name, but nobody seems to be doing so when you turn around.
When you look for lost things, you will look in the strangest places, like opening the fridge to look for your car keys. What's even stranger is that sometimes you search in a certain place, can't find it, go somewhere else and come back to search at the exact same place, you will find it as if somebody pitied you and decided to put it there.
When you're doing something and suddenly think of doing something else not exactly related, like googling a certain thing. Sometimes, in less than 5 seconds, you will forget what it is. There's a funny theory online, that every time you forget something almost immediately after thinking, it's because you have somehow come in contact with aliens and the MIB have come in and wiped out your memory, which explains why you can't remember what you were doing.
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