Saturday, October 01, 2016


In lieu of a much more pretentious title like bliss or whatever, here's a (hopefully) quick update on my life right now.

I'm happy.

Life is still difficult, in fact, it may even be a bit more difficult than last year. But in many ways, it's also a lot easier.

I'm sitting here right now in my girlfriend's room, typing this as she's doing her revision. I don't have the words to accurately describe my feelings for her. But I'm going to try.

This girl, oh my god this girl. When I hear her singing (which she only really does in the privacy of very few people), I catch myself smiling. She's not very good, as she will rightfully remind you. It reminds me of someone just enjoying the music for what it is, unlike some people (myself included) that sing for our ego.

When she kisses me, I get energized. When I hold her hand, my day gets from bad to good, or good to even better. The old reddit quote I always love seems apt here, "... like a warm, electric fence."

If I'm not spending the night with her, suddenly the bed feels so much emptier. I have never missed anyone as hard as I missed her, and we barely only spend 1 or 2 nights apart.

We just realised Qing Fei De Yi pretty much describes my journey with her. I don't think I can love someone this much. Hope I'm not jinxing it here.

See you next time.