Sunday, December 28, 2008
you know...
you know when there are some things you really wanna tell people, but it kinda sounds very bad, so tt kind of thing you would tell a very very close friend, but yet the bad thing you are about to say is about tt friend, and then u realised, EFF, its gonna stay there until i explode.
i write stuff here becuase i dun tell my friends stuff, im not like most people, i don't sit at a coffee place called Central Perk and then talk about stuff thats happening around you, and then a guy named Chandler makes up a joke about how ridiculous that situation sounds like. I don't have that, so i write
i write hoping that in the future, the future me, ( who hopefully, is more handsome, fit, and smart) can read and then laugh about it. kinda like the friends at a coffee place thing, you know except over a long period of time.
i guess this is the kinda thing u have to get used to, i dunno why its so hard for me to tell people about things, make conversation, small talk if you will. i just got off a car ride with my dad, brother and uncle, it was silent all the way.
some people say silence is good, its golden or something, but too much gold is kinda pointless. anyway right now the one i tell the most things to is my friend Fuji, and even he can't understand half of what im saying.
anyway, i got this situation, i want to say something mean about my friends, but i cant because i dun really have any other, and because people dont crap about other people to random strangers, (at least thats what i think), im stuck
i wanna write about it but theres the possibility (VERY HIGH) that he/she/they/it will read, so im kinda screwed. i wanna start another private blog, but i will most probably forget the password and url.
so to keep future me happy, here it is,
to: (???)
eh wah lau how can u liddat, get so many people never get me, what is this,i not important enough is it. i noe i this year never talk to you/ll much, but aso cannot like that what, last time with you/ll aso mus self invite 1 leh, wtf man, bloody hell, i f i dunno that means i will never hear about it is it, u/ll good la, i treat uall as friendz u/ll come do this kind of thing, na beiz
remember the date, future me, its 28/12/08
anyway, a lot of this stems from my intense dislike of not being told about stuff
and ya before i forget, im gonna do the year end thing which i did annually for the past 2 years, basically i msn or talk to or call peopl who have been in contact with me for the past year and ask about their impressions of me, its kinda like a survey, but i found a cooler word for it,
called evaluation
ok its not that cool, but still, if u wanna drop a message, u can tag or msn me and tell me what u think of me, what i rock at and what i rock less at, so i can change. for a brief sample u can see my old posts here
it basically helps me change for the better. hopefully
so i will be calling ppl up, so beware
help light 1
i write stuff here becuase i dun tell my friends stuff, im not like most people, i don't sit at a coffee place called Central Perk and then talk about stuff thats happening around you, and then a guy named Chandler makes up a joke about how ridiculous that situation sounds like. I don't have that, so i write
i write hoping that in the future, the future me, ( who hopefully, is more handsome, fit, and smart) can read and then laugh about it. kinda like the friends at a coffee place thing, you know except over a long period of time.
i guess this is the kinda thing u have to get used to, i dunno why its so hard for me to tell people about things, make conversation, small talk if you will. i just got off a car ride with my dad, brother and uncle, it was silent all the way.
some people say silence is good, its golden or something, but too much gold is kinda pointless. anyway right now the one i tell the most things to is my friend Fuji, and even he can't understand half of what im saying.
anyway, i got this situation, i want to say something mean about my friends, but i cant because i dun really have any other, and because people dont crap about other people to random strangers, (at least thats what i think), im stuck
i wanna write about it but theres the possibility (VERY HIGH) that he/she/they/it will read, so im kinda screwed. i wanna start another private blog, but i will most probably forget the password and url.
so to keep future me happy, here it is,
to: (???)
eh wah lau how can u liddat, get so many people never get me, what is this,i not important enough is it. i noe i this year never talk to you/ll much, but aso cannot like that what, last time with you/ll aso mus self invite 1 leh, wtf man, bloody hell, i f i dunno that means i will never hear about it is it, u/ll good la, i treat uall as friendz u/ll come do this kind of thing, na beiz
remember the date, future me, its 28/12/08
anyway, a lot of this stems from my intense dislike of not being told about stuff
and ya before i forget, im gonna do the year end thing which i did annually for the past 2 years, basically i msn or talk to or call peopl who have been in contact with me for the past year and ask about their impressions of me, its kinda like a survey, but i found a cooler word for it,
called evaluation
ok its not that cool, but still, if u wanna drop a message, u can tag or msn me and tell me what u think of me, what i rock at and what i rock less at, so i can change. for a brief sample u can see my old posts here
it basically helps me change for the better. hopefully
so i will be calling ppl up, so beware
help light 1
Saturday, December 27, 2008
I was In korea
it was nice
i skied
i saw snow
but i still prefer being among friends
it was nice
i skied
i saw snow
but i still prefer being among friends
Monday, December 15, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
went there on a plane,
got cold,
wore 4 layers of clothes,
went to a hotel,
woke up,
still cold,
had porridge for breakfast,
went to school,
played with secondary school kids there,
forgot my lines,
gave out some prizes,
went to a farmers' house,
refused a cigarette,
got hungry,
ate a goat,
danced with locals,
went back to hotel,
debriefed by principal,
woke up,
packed my bag,
had lunch,
went to Tiger Leaping Gorge,
climbed down rocks,
rode a boat across it,
climbed up some more rocks,
walked a zigzag path uphill,
walked across some farmlands,
climbed down some more rocks,
took some photos,
walked on a road,
ran out of energy,
bit some gum,
finally reached tina's guesthouse,
went to the bunks,
realized that there was no power socket and it was damn cold,
ate dinner,
danced some more,
sang some songs,
went to bed,
woke up,
id some tai chi,
had breakfast in the dark,
went back to hotel,
slept again,
woke up,
went up to snow mountain,
rode a cable car,
played with ice instead of snow,
went back down,
went to Yangtze First Bend,
looked at it,
went to communist memorial,
went back,
ate dinner,
went to Gu Chen,
saw some shops,
followed the river,
went back,
got peer evaluated,
played cards til 2,
woke up,
got our luggage down,
went to the "palace" of Mu the chieftain,
went for lunch back in Gu Chen,
went back late,
got punished,
went back to Kunming,
had KFC,
did my punishment,
went back to Singapore.
that's it

and then there's the view
Thank the teachers, the principal, Tom and Rocky our tour guides for an amazing trip
went there on a plane,
got cold,
wore 4 layers of clothes,
went to a hotel,
woke up,
still cold,
had porridge for breakfast,
went to school,
played with secondary school kids there,
forgot my lines,
gave out some prizes,
went to a farmers' house,
refused a cigarette,
got hungry,
ate a goat,
danced with locals,
went back to hotel,
debriefed by principal,
woke up,
packed my bag,
had lunch,
went to Tiger Leaping Gorge,
climbed down rocks,
rode a boat across it,
climbed up some more rocks,
walked a zigzag path uphill,
walked across some farmlands,
climbed down some more rocks,
took some photos,
walked on a road,
ran out of energy,
bit some gum,
finally reached tina's guesthouse,
went to the bunks,
realized that there was no power socket and it was damn cold,
ate dinner,
danced some more,
sang some songs,
went to bed,
woke up,
id some tai chi,
had breakfast in the dark,
went back to hotel,
slept again,
woke up,
went up to snow mountain,
rode a cable car,
played with ice instead of snow,
went back down,
went to Yangtze First Bend,
looked at it,
went to communist memorial,
went back,
ate dinner,
went to Gu Chen,
saw some shops,
followed the river,
went back,
got peer evaluated,
played cards til 2,
woke up,
got our luggage down,
went to the "palace" of Mu the chieftain,
went for lunch back in Gu Chen,
went back late,
got punished,
went back to Kunming,
had KFC,
did my punishment,
went back to Singapore.
that's it

and then there's the view
Thank the teachers, the principal, Tom and Rocky our tour guides for an amazing trip
Friday, December 05, 2008
the kind of person who sees a typo in your message and looks at the keyboard wondering what letter were you intending to press, had you not made that mistake
Friday, November 21, 2008
New Beginnings
Long Time Since I Last Posted
Cant believe im blogging about leaving
sometimes when when there is no longer anymore opportunities, we must look towards new sources
and that is why i made this decision
it was a very difficult decision to make
i just hope its the right 1
Cant believe im blogging about leaving
sometimes when when there is no longer anymore opportunities, we must look towards new sources
and that is why i made this decision
it was a very difficult decision to make
i just hope its the right 1
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
List of games i wanna get for my xbox360
Castle Crashers $15-$30
Rock Band 2 (great party game, dunno worth or not) $200-$300
Rock Band 1 (either or) $229
Burnout Paradise 2nd Hand $40-$60 First hand $70
The Force Unleashed Loan $15-$25
Devil May Cry 4 Loan $15-$25
I also want a psp
Anyone thinking of getting me a christmas gift?
Castle Crashers $15-$30
Rock Band 2 (great party game, dunno worth or not) $200-$300
Rock Band 1 (either or) $229
Burnout Paradise 2nd Hand $40-$60 First hand $70
The Force Unleashed Loan $15-$25
Devil May Cry 4 Loan $15-$25
I also want a psp
Anyone thinking of getting me a christmas gift?
My closest friends are often times those that have almost nothing in common with me, be it hobbies, interests or personalities
At this point, if i had a nice group photo, i would it rite where this chunk of text would be, but unfortunately, im not photogenic, not in the least.
Pietro is the one male person i trust the most. He is, actually i don't know what the hell he is interested in, but anyway, he was in my primary 6 class and in my p6 end-of-year camp group, and i actually only remembered he was in my class at that time, because he was very quiet. Anyway, he came to be in the same class as me for the next 2 years, then went on to take pure bio. He is a quiet person, but becomes more social as time goes by, which is the opposite of me, being loud, then quiet, then even louder (and more vulgar). he has this air of "coolness" surrounding him, he does not need to say much to get people to respect him. Anyone who knows me can say that that will never happen to me. Everyone trusts him and everyone, including me can tell him secrets and confide in him.
Wen Hui is the one female person that i can trust the most. there is quite an interesting story to how i got to know her as a person, but that is another story for another day. She was in the same class as me throughout the secondary school years. Anyway, she is interested in Jay Chou and Survivor and korean and jap dramas, all of which i find retarded. But despite these, i find that she is the one person i can talk to whenever i'm down. Anytime i need help i know she will do her best. She is a quiet person who likes to stay at home and read or something, unlike me.
Jelena is another one of my close friends. Strong believer in Catholicism and good samaritan all around, she yearns to travel around the world, to places like kenya to help them. She is optimistic at best,which is the opposite of me. Interested in dirty and racist jokes. She is a very fun person to talk to simply because she can be very random.
I feel like an advertising agent for writing this
anyway, i hope friends really do last forever as im writing this
then again, i simply hope
can someone tag my tagboard, its very very old and rusty
At this point, if i had a nice group photo, i would it rite where this chunk of text would be, but unfortunately, im not photogenic, not in the least.
Pietro is the one male person i trust the most. He is, actually i don't know what the hell he is interested in, but anyway, he was in my primary 6 class and in my p6 end-of-year camp group, and i actually only remembered he was in my class at that time, because he was very quiet. Anyway, he came to be in the same class as me for the next 2 years, then went on to take pure bio. He is a quiet person, but becomes more social as time goes by, which is the opposite of me, being loud, then quiet, then even louder (and more vulgar). he has this air of "coolness" surrounding him, he does not need to say much to get people to respect him. Anyone who knows me can say that that will never happen to me. Everyone trusts him and everyone, including me can tell him secrets and confide in him.
Wen Hui is the one female person that i can trust the most. there is quite an interesting story to how i got to know her as a person, but that is another story for another day. She was in the same class as me throughout the secondary school years. Anyway, she is interested in Jay Chou and Survivor and korean and jap dramas, all of which i find retarded. But despite these, i find that she is the one person i can talk to whenever i'm down. Anytime i need help i know she will do her best. She is a quiet person who likes to stay at home and read or something, unlike me.
Jelena is another one of my close friends. Strong believer in Catholicism and good samaritan all around, she yearns to travel around the world, to places like kenya to help them. She is optimistic at best,which is the opposite of me. Interested in dirty and racist jokes. She is a very fun person to talk to simply because she can be very random.
I feel like an advertising agent for writing this
anyway, i hope friends really do last forever as im writing this
then again, i simply hope
can someone tag my tagboard, its very very old and rusty
Sunday, August 24, 2008
this day
continuing from wenhui's post
today we reflect...
we reflect on our differences
we reflect on our similarities
we reflect on the triviality of life
the triviality of the things that are supposedly making me sad
when you have something to be truly sad about
everything else seems so small in comparison
then i reflected about god (see how i use small letters)
if he/them exists
he owes me an explanation
i hate him/them a lot
i wish he/they would stop causing natural disasters
i really hope they do not exist, at least that way fate wouldn't exist
everything would be simple, no hidden symbolism behind everything
no more "lessons", just hard things that we need to do so that people won't kan us
we reflect on fairness
was it fair
we reflect ...
today we reflect...
we reflect on our differences
we reflect on our similarities
we reflect on the triviality of life
the triviality of the things that are supposedly making me sad
when you have something to be truly sad about
everything else seems so small in comparison
then i reflected about god (see how i use small letters)
if he/them exists
he owes me an explanation
i hate him/them a lot
i wish he/they would stop causing natural disasters
i really hope they do not exist, at least that way fate wouldn't exist
everything would be simple, no hidden symbolism behind everything
no more "lessons", just hard things that we need to do so that people won't kan us
we reflect on fairness
was it fair
we reflect ...
Saturday, August 23, 2008
fking bitch/bastard person
a few people will probably think that im refering to them
but the actual one im referring to will never know
isit possible to hate someone enough to want them to fail in life
people in sr think im violent and crude
at least im getting the point across
tomorrow we'll be visiting Gabriel
hope he is having a much better time than me
he probably is
we miss him alot
i miss him alot too
he never spoke much to me
but still
some part of me still wishes he was here instead of me
a lot of times i get under pressure
the kind of pressure i give myself
the kind of pressure others give me simply because they expect me to be that good
the kind where people depend on you
i look to him for inspiration
he's the only one i know who was up to the task
who could do things well and talk things through
maybe if he din go, i wouldn't even remember him that well
but still
its not worth it
The Man Who Can't Be Moved - The Script
looking for this song for damn long
heard it 3 or 4 times over the radio, couldnt catch the lyrics properly
the song sounds very nice, very touching
its actually a story
a man decides to stay at the street where he first met the woman he loved
when the woman is no longer with him, he decides to stay at that street until the woman comes to find him, not moving away despite the police finding him.
it's very touching to me, i have a simple and naive way of thinking
i just want to block out everything that makes this world imperfect
help a child
but the actual one im referring to will never know
isit possible to hate someone enough to want them to fail in life
people in sr think im violent and crude
at least im getting the point across
tomorrow we'll be visiting Gabriel
hope he is having a much better time than me
he probably is
we miss him alot
i miss him alot too
he never spoke much to me
but still
some part of me still wishes he was here instead of me
a lot of times i get under pressure
the kind of pressure i give myself
the kind of pressure others give me simply because they expect me to be that good
the kind where people depend on you
i look to him for inspiration
he's the only one i know who was up to the task
who could do things well and talk things through
maybe if he din go, i wouldn't even remember him that well
but still
its not worth it
The Man Who Can't Be Moved - The Script
looking for this song for damn long
heard it 3 or 4 times over the radio, couldnt catch the lyrics properly
the song sounds very nice, very touching
its actually a story
a man decides to stay at the street where he first met the woman he loved
when the woman is no longer with him, he decides to stay at that street until the woman comes to find him, not moving away despite the police finding him.
it's very touching to me, i have a simple and naive way of thinking
i just want to block out everything that makes this world imperfect
help a child
Monday, August 11, 2008
happy 2 days after national day
went to plaza to watch money no enuff 2
when eating at subway, heard popping sound, den thought its not cuz still very early
den when we finally eat finish and go out to watch gt lots of stupid tress and the dumb ymca building block the fireworks
in the end see smoke and light nia
when eating at subway, heard popping sound, den thought its not cuz still very early
den when we finally eat finish and go out to watch gt lots of stupid tress and the dumb ymca building block the fireworks
in the end see smoke and light nia
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
long hiatus
wow long time since i last posted
its i think 2 months after my last post
excluding the euro 08 thing, i dun think it counts
life has been busy in SR
always really tired at the start of the day, in the middle of the day, and at the end of the day.
so just tired all the way la
i got 13 for ranking points which means must buck up
or commit suicide
whichever way's fine
i figured if i told my friends i thought about suicide, they would think im joking, like always.
its funny how some people in SR find me funny
when there is a significantly less amount of people who do so in holy
i figured its because theres always someone funnier than me in holy, like keng hong and wayne, which apply to different groups of people by the way
i lost my train of thought
anyway, i just remembered.
oops i just lost it.
ohya, i was thinking about the fact that i don't really establish concrete groups of friends, like cliques anymore after sec 3. in sec 4 i just roamed around the class looking for people to talk to, usually they are the ones sitting the closest to me because im lazy to move around, but i do sometimes when the teacher is out of the class, or when i feel like pissing the teacher off. but the thing i like about this "fluidity" is that i can understand and know more people and not restrict myself, however i sacrifise the companionship and trust of actual friends, which why the people i trust are the ones from sec 2.
i think i have trust issues, but it cant be because of my parents, they ask me about my life all the time, im just too lazy to say everything out.
anyway, this fluidity has carried on to my tiem in SR, not forming cliques with anybody, not in class or cca. i get worried sometimes.
well, life's like that.
oh ya, my class think my gp is very amazingly damn good. WHY? i scored relatively more for my diagnostic test, which i still failed. so i dun really have a reason to be more "gooder" at gp than everyone else, just can't understand them.
oh and junqiang thinks im a bastard
while chen thinks im a dog
while julian thinks im a slacker
while loke thinks gs means glennard sucks
almost forgot
its i think 2 months after my last post
excluding the euro 08 thing, i dun think it counts
life has been busy in SR
always really tired at the start of the day, in the middle of the day, and at the end of the day.
so just tired all the way la
i got 13 for ranking points which means must buck up
or commit suicide
whichever way's fine
i figured if i told my friends i thought about suicide, they would think im joking, like always.
its funny how some people in SR find me funny
when there is a significantly less amount of people who do so in holy
i figured its because theres always someone funnier than me in holy, like keng hong and wayne, which apply to different groups of people by the way
i lost my train of thought
anyway, i just remembered.
oops i just lost it.
ohya, i was thinking about the fact that i don't really establish concrete groups of friends, like cliques anymore after sec 3. in sec 4 i just roamed around the class looking for people to talk to, usually they are the ones sitting the closest to me because im lazy to move around, but i do sometimes when the teacher is out of the class, or when i feel like pissing the teacher off. but the thing i like about this "fluidity" is that i can understand and know more people and not restrict myself, however i sacrifise the companionship and trust of actual friends, which why the people i trust are the ones from sec 2.
i think i have trust issues, but it cant be because of my parents, they ask me about my life all the time, im just too lazy to say everything out.
anyway, this fluidity has carried on to my tiem in SR, not forming cliques with anybody, not in class or cca. i get worried sometimes.
well, life's like that.
oh ya, my class think my gp is very amazingly damn good. WHY? i scored relatively more for my diagnostic test, which i still failed. so i dun really have a reason to be more "gooder" at gp than everyone else, just can't understand them.
oh and junqiang thinks im a bastard
while chen thinks im a dog
while julian thinks im a slacker
while loke thinks gs means glennard sucks
almost forgot
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Council training camp
actually still not bad la
no need kanna hamptam when we stand on 1 leg
hahas, npcc ppl should noe wad i mean
its fun
and tough
and difficult
but satisfying
i feel accomplished
first day
when gathering, got ppl late
so kanna scolding
den we were give this folder with 10 pieces of paper inside and we were supposed to open them up at different times of the camp
i will just say about those paper that are significant to me
anw the first real activity (other than talking and intro) is to clean up 7 classrooms
we were given some buckets and mops and stuff and we had to clean the whole classroom
the first time we din know much
but we did clean until what we felt was clean
that there was inspection
TAs checked for dust
use finger to wipe the door railings all that
so obviously we failed
then we did it a second time
it was much better
we cleaned the dust off the switches, the windows ledges, the tables
all the hard to reach and difficult to see places
but we passed the second time
so we were told to open up paper number 3
it wrote
you have just completed 2/12 hours of a worker's load, thats 1/6
so its like we run here run there only scrape out 1/6
then after that it was dinner followed by pitching of tents
we had to pitch tents at the fitness area
at first the TAs din give us any instruction
so we din ask for any help or guidelines
we just went on our own and did wad we knew
btw its not those giant peg kind of tent, those new odac and obs kind
then we took 33 mins to complete the first time
obviously that was too long
so we had to dismantle them and pitch again
we did it in 16 mins
so we were quite relieved
the next day morning, we had to do morning pt, run a little less than 3km
run liao go do pumping. while in pumping position we had to remember all the hod names
obviously we dunno
so we went down
and down
and down again
we ran from pumping position to the board at general office 3 times before
we actually thought of getting sprinters to run there and get all the names so we dun have to
ya so we kanna because we din think of that, not because we dunno( even though we still dunno at tt time)
after that was lunch and prepare for the trek though macritchie
lots of people over packed and ended up with lots of stuff to carry
when we reach there we had to arrange all our bags such that we had our hands free and not carrying anything
mr bernard tan was our first aider and instructor there for the trek
so at first it was dam hot, everyone gt tired very quickly
but we had to move on and close up all the gaps
so behind people had to run
i was actually at the back, den i rmb that the behind people always have to be very fit and fast because they have to run and walk and run and keep changing so its very tiring, i moved to the front
we walked until 1 part where we went in the forest itself, not the path anymore
we walk until 1 part where we were supposed to choose our locations for the tents
i was the ic for my group at that time so i had to tell my grpmates that the instructions
i was told that we cannot assume that the group knows waht and how to look for it
must always tell them
so we got out of there because it was too small
mr tan gave the compass to rex to figure out the way out
he did, although he took a harder route to reach it
when we reached the end
we had a simulation
where a few of us were dead or blind or a casualty in some way and we had to bring them to the main road
i failed as an ic because i couldnt give instructions when everyone had their ideas to contribute
also mr tan was scolding and shouting so all of us felt stressed
the hardest part was when we had to carry darrel out along with all our bags
so we split up, some carry bag, some carried casualty
later rohith died, so we had to do the same
when we finally reached the end, we were tired like dogs
anw we walked back the same way we came in and had our dinner at night on a grass patch
there were a few casualties by then so they were a bit slower
we walked from our dinner place to the night walk trail
the night walk was unique
we had to walk through a forest trail, but there was light stick to guide us
but we had to do it solo
first time still ok
2nd time the lightsticks was removed, so a few of us sort of panicked
but they still went through it
we went back at night on bus
where we took out another paper, number 6 or 7 i think
it wrote, we walked 25 km in 11 hours, still feeling doubts about the 10 km will run
anw on the third day, we had the pumping session again, this time we pumped less
but we had to remember the subject head's name as well
actually they weren't trying to ask us so much on the content per se, but actually they wanted us to speak up confidently
at the end of the camp, we had to do strengths and weaknesses evaluation for all the campers except ourselves
we also had to vote for the various exco positions
survey says, al-olympia is going to be the next president, with samantha being the vice prez, or ibrahim if they wanted a mix of gender
it was a great camp
it wasnt tough because it had a 25 km trek
i was tough because we have to do it as leaders
as student councillors
help save a child today
actually still not bad la
no need kanna hamptam when we stand on 1 leg
hahas, npcc ppl should noe wad i mean
its fun
and tough
and difficult
but satisfying
i feel accomplished
first day
when gathering, got ppl late
so kanna scolding
den we were give this folder with 10 pieces of paper inside and we were supposed to open them up at different times of the camp
i will just say about those paper that are significant to me
anw the first real activity (other than talking and intro) is to clean up 7 classrooms
we were given some buckets and mops and stuff and we had to clean the whole classroom
the first time we din know much
but we did clean until what we felt was clean
that there was inspection
TAs checked for dust
use finger to wipe the door railings all that
so obviously we failed
then we did it a second time
it was much better
we cleaned the dust off the switches, the windows ledges, the tables
all the hard to reach and difficult to see places
but we passed the second time
so we were told to open up paper number 3
it wrote
you have just completed 2/12 hours of a worker's load, thats 1/6
so its like we run here run there only scrape out 1/6
then after that it was dinner followed by pitching of tents
we had to pitch tents at the fitness area
at first the TAs din give us any instruction
so we din ask for any help or guidelines
we just went on our own and did wad we knew
btw its not those giant peg kind of tent, those new odac and obs kind
then we took 33 mins to complete the first time
obviously that was too long
so we had to dismantle them and pitch again
we did it in 16 mins
so we were quite relieved
the next day morning, we had to do morning pt, run a little less than 3km
run liao go do pumping. while in pumping position we had to remember all the hod names
obviously we dunno
so we went down
and down
and down again
we ran from pumping position to the board at general office 3 times before
we actually thought of getting sprinters to run there and get all the names so we dun have to
ya so we kanna because we din think of that, not because we dunno( even though we still dunno at tt time)
after that was lunch and prepare for the trek though macritchie
lots of people over packed and ended up with lots of stuff to carry
when we reach there we had to arrange all our bags such that we had our hands free and not carrying anything
mr bernard tan was our first aider and instructor there for the trek
so at first it was dam hot, everyone gt tired very quickly
but we had to move on and close up all the gaps
so behind people had to run
i was actually at the back, den i rmb that the behind people always have to be very fit and fast because they have to run and walk and run and keep changing so its very tiring, i moved to the front
we walked until 1 part where we went in the forest itself, not the path anymore
we walk until 1 part where we were supposed to choose our locations for the tents
i was the ic for my group at that time so i had to tell my grpmates that the instructions
i was told that we cannot assume that the group knows waht and how to look for it
must always tell them
so we got out of there because it was too small
mr tan gave the compass to rex to figure out the way out
he did, although he took a harder route to reach it
when we reached the end
we had a simulation
where a few of us were dead or blind or a casualty in some way and we had to bring them to the main road
i failed as an ic because i couldnt give instructions when everyone had their ideas to contribute
also mr tan was scolding and shouting so all of us felt stressed
the hardest part was when we had to carry darrel out along with all our bags
so we split up, some carry bag, some carried casualty
later rohith died, so we had to do the same
when we finally reached the end, we were tired like dogs
anw we walked back the same way we came in and had our dinner at night on a grass patch
there were a few casualties by then so they were a bit slower
we walked from our dinner place to the night walk trail
the night walk was unique
we had to walk through a forest trail, but there was light stick to guide us
but we had to do it solo
first time still ok
2nd time the lightsticks was removed, so a few of us sort of panicked
but they still went through it
we went back at night on bus
where we took out another paper, number 6 or 7 i think
it wrote, we walked 25 km in 11 hours, still feeling doubts about the 10 km will run
anw on the third day, we had the pumping session again, this time we pumped less
but we had to remember the subject head's name as well
actually they weren't trying to ask us so much on the content per se, but actually they wanted us to speak up confidently
at the end of the camp, we had to do strengths and weaknesses evaluation for all the campers except ourselves
we also had to vote for the various exco positions
survey says, al-olympia is going to be the next president, with samantha being the vice prez, or ibrahim if they wanted a mix of gender
it was a great camp
it wasnt tough because it had a 25 km trek
i was tough because we have to do it as leaders
as student councillors
help save a child today
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
YAY I'm In Council
there was a long weekend 5 days ago which lasted 4 days
everyday i had to pass by dhoby gaut mrt station
dam sianz leh
first day go play lan at E2MAX
played cs with 1s11
den 2nd day go watch iron man with 1s09
den 3rd day go republic poly watch muscial
whcih was very nice
den last day go cathay do gpp
dam tired
slept at 10-11 on all days
anw nothing much to write
just that i have alot of homework i din do yet
there was a long weekend 5 days ago which lasted 4 days
everyday i had to pass by dhoby gaut mrt station
dam sianz leh
first day go play lan at E2MAX
played cs with 1s11
den 2nd day go watch iron man with 1s09
den 3rd day go republic poly watch muscial
whcih was very nice
den last day go cathay do gpp
dam tired
slept at 10-11 on all days
anw nothing much to write
just that i have alot of homework i din do yet
Friday, May 02, 2008
Sunday, April 13, 2008
POST 100
yay post 100
i cant believe it took me 1 year and 1 half to reach so "many" posts
weekend was relatively good
managed to push quite a lot of work away
pre-u seminar stuff will be taken care off by calvin
not much thinking left for student council
left econs essay which i supposed to have handed up by friday but didn't and maths tut 2 n 3 which was late by 1 week
but other than that im cool
right now i downloading some gc games
tried to look for some super mario
but they din have it
den when i tried to transfer some games
i relised i lost the cd
so i had to donload it from the net
if theres one thing im glad for this weekend
its that i did my chinese compo on friday
but if theres 1 thing im not glad for
itz that i couldnt find friends to come with me to watch a free movie which i have tickets of
anyway i couldnt think of anything nice to watch so i gave the tickets back to my parents
i cant believe it took me 1 year and 1 half to reach so "many" posts
weekend was relatively good
managed to push quite a lot of work away
pre-u seminar stuff will be taken care off by calvin
not much thinking left for student council
left econs essay which i supposed to have handed up by friday but didn't and maths tut 2 n 3 which was late by 1 week
but other than that im cool
right now i downloading some gc games
tried to look for some super mario
but they din have it
den when i tried to transfer some games
i relised i lost the cd
so i had to donload it from the net
if theres one thing im glad for this weekend
its that i did my chinese compo on friday
but if theres 1 thing im not glad for
itz that i couldnt find friends to come with me to watch a free movie which i have tickets of
anyway i couldnt think of anything nice to watch so i gave the tickets back to my parents
Monday, April 07, 2008
My life as described by different people
I have a friend who once described me as this song
I'm Just A Kid- Simple Plan
Honestly, when i first heard of this, i was like, are you sure
then i thought about it for a while, she was quite right.
anyway, at that time i was thinking more along the lines of
How To Save A Life- The Fray
i din really know why i made this suggestion, maybe it was because i liked them so much
but anyway, at this point in time, its quite ironic
i can only say so much right now
i planned to write about this song thing for about a few days
but its only when i write it now, i can truly feel its impact
I'm Just A Kid- Simple Plan
Honestly, when i first heard of this, i was like, are you sure
then i thought about it for a while, she was quite right.
anyway, at that time i was thinking more along the lines of
How To Save A Life- The Fray
i din really know why i made this suggestion, maybe it was because i liked them so much
but anyway, at this point in time, its quite ironic
i can only say so much right now
i planned to write about this song thing for about a few days
but its only when i write it now, i can truly feel its impact
Friday, April 04, 2008
week 2 in srjc
It has been 2 weeks of srjc in term 2
i passed interview for student council
homework is beginning to creep up
there's pre u sem stuff
rally stuff
and pw stuff
and then there's homework
notice that pw is on a whole new level above normal homework
that's because it is
we have around 4 days before deadline
and everything u don't feel like doing right now becomes a liability tomorrow
so imagine that liability doubling each day until u reach the day before deadline
by then u would need 4 hours to finish a 2 and 1/2 page chinese compo because you cant focus at midnight
i cant do homework at midnight
but i dun feel like doing it in the afternoon because i feel as if its sucking my "funtime", the time when im most alert( and thus reason enough to devote it to "fun")
so that kind of system works for more or less every proposal
4 days till deadline
so that kinda sucks
there was this council "elects" (ppl who passed the interview but aren't exactly councillors) briefing this afternoon
we had to prepare a poster, a speech and a campaign
poster sucks because i hate putting my face on anything, but otherwise manageable.
speech sucks cuz i have to talk about my reasons for joining and my aspirations on the dais, or podium and say it in front of everyone
campaign sucks most because we have to do something "creative but feasible" which doesn't involve giving sweets
so now for the weekend
i have pw which im gonna finish either now or tomorrow afternoon
speech plus poster tomorrow night
and then some miscellenous homeowrk on sunday
AND actual filming for pre u sem video on monday
on top of that i need to learn flash from kenneth
great weekend
help them
i passed interview for student council
homework is beginning to creep up
there's pre u sem stuff
rally stuff
and pw stuff
and then there's homework
notice that pw is on a whole new level above normal homework
that's because it is
we have around 4 days before deadline
and everything u don't feel like doing right now becomes a liability tomorrow
so imagine that liability doubling each day until u reach the day before deadline
by then u would need 4 hours to finish a 2 and 1/2 page chinese compo because you cant focus at midnight
i cant do homework at midnight
but i dun feel like doing it in the afternoon because i feel as if its sucking my "funtime", the time when im most alert( and thus reason enough to devote it to "fun")
so that kind of system works for more or less every proposal
4 days till deadline
so that kinda sucks
there was this council "elects" (ppl who passed the interview but aren't exactly councillors) briefing this afternoon
we had to prepare a poster, a speech and a campaign
poster sucks because i hate putting my face on anything, but otherwise manageable.
speech sucks cuz i have to talk about my reasons for joining and my aspirations on the dais, or podium and say it in front of everyone
campaign sucks most because we have to do something "creative but feasible" which doesn't involve giving sweets
so now for the weekend
i have pw which im gonna finish either now or tomorrow afternoon
speech plus poster tomorrow night
and then some miscellenous homeowrk on sunday
AND actual filming for pre u sem video on monday
on top of that i need to learn flash from kenneth
great weekend
help them
Sunday, March 30, 2008
End Of Week 2 in Srjc
why wasnt i this tired during olevels
jus 2 weeks and i am going to die of tiredness
nothing much happen during this 2 weeks
except homework
lots of it
this school is really embracing the online technology
that sucks
because your homework pretty much doubles or triples
i gt selected into the pre-u seminar thing
means 5 days 4 nights at some local university
woo hoo
i think it happens on school days too
but theres a problem
theres around 29 ppl selected but theres only 25 empty slots
effectively that means 4 ppl will not be selected
but they only tell u that after u do the work
so technically they could get you to do all the work and still not let you enjoy yourself
that sucks
hope its not me
theres also student council interview
i sucked at the interview
i just kept repeating things i said before and say things should be run like military
that is not good
i dunno
its cuz npcc took up half my secondary school life so i dun really have much to talk about
but at least im nt too bad
edmund had to sing the school song for the teacher
and some ppl were asked," where is mas selemat?"
anyway i think i wont make it past the interview
ya and we went back to get our o level cert last friday
met up with some hihs ppl and go together
we take already den walk around the school to look for teachers
most of them were in ptm so cant find much
i saw tan bee tin but she was talking to a parent so i din disturb her
den we sat at the canteen and talked about stuff
like being embarrassed in sec school when we say go srjc might as well go poly
everyone there said tat before and look where we ended up
we also talk about initiating our own cca
which jingyi was supposed to write the minutes of in a blog
havent checked it out yet
hope she has actually done it
and thats how my last 2 weeks went
jus 2 weeks and i am going to die of tiredness
nothing much happen during this 2 weeks
except homework
lots of it
this school is really embracing the online technology
that sucks
because your homework pretty much doubles or triples
i gt selected into the pre-u seminar thing
means 5 days 4 nights at some local university
woo hoo
i think it happens on school days too
but theres a problem
theres around 29 ppl selected but theres only 25 empty slots
effectively that means 4 ppl will not be selected
but they only tell u that after u do the work
so technically they could get you to do all the work and still not let you enjoy yourself
that sucks
hope its not me
theres also student council interview
i sucked at the interview
i just kept repeating things i said before and say things should be run like military
that is not good
i dunno
its cuz npcc took up half my secondary school life so i dun really have much to talk about
but at least im nt too bad
edmund had to sing the school song for the teacher
and some ppl were asked," where is mas selemat?"
anyway i think i wont make it past the interview
ya and we went back to get our o level cert last friday
met up with some hihs ppl and go together
we take already den walk around the school to look for teachers
most of them were in ptm so cant find much
i saw tan bee tin but she was talking to a parent so i din disturb her
den we sat at the canteen and talked about stuff
like being embarrassed in sec school when we say go srjc might as well go poly
everyone there said tat before and look where we ended up
we also talk about initiating our own cca
which jingyi was supposed to write the minutes of in a blog
havent checked it out yet
hope she has actually done it
and thats how my last 2 weeks went
Thursday, March 13, 2008
I vomited through my nose, and i saw GREEN undigested little pieces of vegetables from 24 HOURS AGO come out of it
stomach problems since the morning
so had just bread with peanut butter
den slept till 4 plus
den my parents say eat some food
so i eat bread again with milo
den stomach felt worse
so my mum used some chinese medicine powder thing
that actually induced vomit
so i vomited within 10 seconds of drinking the powder
and everything that came out was orange
of course from my mouth also la
but there was and still has a very disgusting vomit smell in my nose
i hate chinese medicine
in fact i hate all medicine
stomach problems since the morning
so had just bread with peanut butter
den slept till 4 plus
den my parents say eat some food
so i eat bread again with milo
den stomach felt worse
so my mum used some chinese medicine powder thing
that actually induced vomit
so i vomited within 10 seconds of drinking the powder
and everything that came out was orange
of course from my mouth also la
but there was and still has a very disgusting vomit smell in my nose
i hate chinese medicine
in fact i hate all medicine
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
not a good day
oddly today is not a good day
my morning was good
no big mishaps
just had a nice breakfast of wanton mee at school
then followed by our first project work and econs tutorials
just some games and intro sessions
nothing big, nothing serious
then chinese tutorial
where i din do the work
but she was very xia lan and said expected
good thing her kind of xia lan is funny
den break
go library get research on the pre u seminar
i did a qns on religion
did there for an hour
den maths lecture
which taught trigo
and i slept
a teacher woke me up
but din scold me
den break again
den go library again
then ct period
chose class committee
i wasn't in any part of it
so that was cool
den i went for the pre u seminar audition/interview
at first was quite nervous
but i din show it to anyone
i just listen to some music and cooled down
den it was my turn to go
lucky my teacher was good
mr kok i think his name was
at first i cluttered my first few lines
but then lucky he din do anything to make me even more nervous
den i went on smoothly for the rest of the speech
he said that my strength was in that my research was very wide, not focused on 1 topic
den i went on to my impromptu speech
which was on death gives meaning to life
so i spoke about life , that death makes u want to accomplish things before your life ends
makes u cherish life and the time you have
i also spoke about gabriel, 8/24
i said that he made me realise that things can end abruptly
need to take hold of the time you have now
and he was a very good "judge"
he gave me very positive comments
like how i would make it into council and that i was confident
few ppl have done that
but i cherish each and everyone of them
so i felt good as i went home
den i go home and makan
den on the computer and read some blogs
and talked on msn
which made me very sad today
it kinda sucks when everything is going so well and 1 little thing can change your mood
damn, and i was having a good day man
few people have made me feel good in a long time
would you like to make me feel good today
sms me now at 97337272
jus some shameless advertising
my morning was good
no big mishaps
just had a nice breakfast of wanton mee at school
then followed by our first project work and econs tutorials
just some games and intro sessions
nothing big, nothing serious
then chinese tutorial
where i din do the work
but she was very xia lan and said expected
good thing her kind of xia lan is funny
den break
go library get research on the pre u seminar
i did a qns on religion
did there for an hour
den maths lecture
which taught trigo
and i slept
a teacher woke me up
but din scold me
den break again
den go library again
then ct period
chose class committee
i wasn't in any part of it
so that was cool
den i went for the pre u seminar audition/interview
at first was quite nervous
but i din show it to anyone
i just listen to some music and cooled down
den it was my turn to go
lucky my teacher was good
mr kok i think his name was
at first i cluttered my first few lines
but then lucky he din do anything to make me even more nervous
den i went on smoothly for the rest of the speech
he said that my strength was in that my research was very wide, not focused on 1 topic
den i went on to my impromptu speech
which was on death gives meaning to life
so i spoke about life , that death makes u want to accomplish things before your life ends
makes u cherish life and the time you have
i also spoke about gabriel, 8/24
i said that he made me realise that things can end abruptly
need to take hold of the time you have now
and he was a very good "judge"
he gave me very positive comments
like how i would make it into council and that i was confident
few ppl have done that
but i cherish each and everyone of them
so i felt good as i went home
den i go home and makan
den on the computer and read some blogs
and talked on msn
which made me very sad today
it kinda sucks when everything is going so well and 1 little thing can change your mood
damn, and i was having a good day man
few people have made me feel good in a long time
would you like to make me feel good today
sms me now at 97337272
jus some shameless advertising
Friday, February 22, 2008
CRAZY crazy things
This week
school was boring
with all the subject talks and all that mumbo jumbo
new og on wednesday
tt sucked because i have ABSOLUTELY positively NO new friends there
despite the fact that i know possibly 20-30 ish ppl there
so i basically picked the same subject combination again
tts SMPE
science stream, H2 Maths, EconS and Physics
but i changed h1 from bio to chem
BIO sux
as for cCa bazaar
as they call it
i picked tennis
big surprise there
i never picked up a racket and played any tennis before in my life
so decided to try
the catch is
that i have to pay 100 for 1 year if im nt in the school team
so that sux like hell
2nd cca i chose
was student council
even bigger shocker
ya tt decision was basically quite easy because it makes a damn good testimonial when you applying for university or even your job
besides the white tshirt looks cool
3rd choice is the biggest shocker of them all
i took DANCE
i lost my mind
i guess its one of those impulse things
im prone to doing really REALLY ridiculous things
such as writing who i liked on my msn nick
and trying to roller blade up a hill
but its interesting
and it looks cool
so i will see how it goes
i mean after all im not exactly lean meat
so its not very aesthetic to see someone as FAT(FRIGGIN FAT) as me trying to do hip hop
and everyone i told laughed in my face
and they laughed, laughed, laughed, laughed, laughed, laughed, laughed, laughed, laughed and laughed somemore
in this CRUCIAL time
but i din expect them to encourage me
after all, even i wouldn't encourage myself
ya and 1 more thing
there are so many christian (catholic) racists that i know of
so what you go to church and identify yourselves as one religion so you can make fun of someone elses skin colour
all the shit here shit there
im sick of hearing it, because its FUCKING OFFENSIVE
they may not take offense to that personally
but that doesn't mean you should say it right
whats more there is very little malays and/or indians in CJC right now
making it another effective platform for stupid jokes
and im sure someone will be thinking they are just jokes
yeah, they are right
we take it so casually because we listen to them so often
even if they are my friends
can world peace exist in this lifetime
certainly not with those people around
and a significant part of them are catholics or christians, i realized
so what we have to believe that creationism is true and darwin was wrong
JUST because it is written so
and no, indians and malays shouldn't be called shit
now should they?
and this will be one of the really ridiculous things i do for a living
i can be a damned daredevil from now on

"If we are all God's children, then what's so special about Jesus?"--- Jimmy Carr, comedian, hated by christians (LOL)
doesn't believe in god because he made christians, most of which dont exemplify his beliefs
school was boring
with all the subject talks and all that mumbo jumbo
new og on wednesday
tt sucked because i have ABSOLUTELY positively NO new friends there
despite the fact that i know possibly 20-30 ish ppl there
so i basically picked the same subject combination again
tts SMPE
science stream, H2 Maths, EconS and Physics
but i changed h1 from bio to chem
BIO sux
as for cCa bazaar
as they call it
i picked tennis
big surprise there
i never picked up a racket and played any tennis before in my life
so decided to try
the catch is
that i have to pay 100 for 1 year if im nt in the school team
so that sux like hell
2nd cca i chose
was student council
even bigger shocker
ya tt decision was basically quite easy because it makes a damn good testimonial when you applying for university or even your job
besides the white tshirt looks cool
3rd choice is the biggest shocker of them all
i took DANCE
i lost my mind
i guess its one of those impulse things
im prone to doing really REALLY ridiculous things
such as writing who i liked on my msn nick
and trying to roller blade up a hill
but its interesting
and it looks cool
so i will see how it goes
i mean after all im not exactly lean meat
so its not very aesthetic to see someone as FAT(FRIGGIN FAT) as me trying to do hip hop
and everyone i told laughed in my face
and they laughed, laughed, laughed, laughed, laughed, laughed, laughed, laughed, laughed and laughed somemore
in this CRUCIAL time
but i din expect them to encourage me
after all, even i wouldn't encourage myself
ya and 1 more thing
there are so many christian (catholic) racists that i know of
so what you go to church and identify yourselves as one religion so you can make fun of someone elses skin colour
all the shit here shit there
im sick of hearing it, because its FUCKING OFFENSIVE
they may not take offense to that personally
but that doesn't mean you should say it right
whats more there is very little malays and/or indians in CJC right now
making it another effective platform for stupid jokes
and im sure someone will be thinking they are just jokes
yeah, they are right
we take it so casually because we listen to them so often
even if they are my friends
can world peace exist in this lifetime
certainly not with those people around
and a significant part of them are catholics or christians, i realized
so what we have to believe that creationism is true and darwin was wrong
JUST because it is written so
and no, indians and malays shouldn't be called shit
now should they?
and this will be one of the really ridiculous things i do for a living
i can be a damned daredevil from now on

"If we are all God's children, then what's so special about Jesus?"--- Jimmy Carr, comedian, hated by christians (LOL)
doesn't believe in god because he made christians, most of which dont exemplify his beliefs
Friday, February 15, 2008
Why did the stupid n95 8gb increase in price again!!!
and my stupid n73 drop from 250 to 150 in trade-in
emmanuel made me realised that OMG can actually stand for oh my glennard
im making a statement
starting with you
Why did the stupid n95 8gb increase in price again!!!
and my stupid n73 drop from 250 to 150 in trade-in
emmanuel made me realised that OMG can actually stand for oh my glennard
im making a statement
starting with you
Thursday, February 14, 2008
2cha chalet + vday post + new year
today is valentine's day
still nothing to report
but more importantly today is the last day of the 2cha chalet
around 8 girls out of 26 and almost every guy from our class went
i cant believe i just realized over the past few days that everyone 1 there was either gambling masters or learning to be 1
they just gambled and gambled the whole night
most gambled on blackjack
play until so hiong that they can all stand on table wait for the card to open
then everyone scream
i learned mahjong again
and its fun
but i don't know how to tell who want what tiles
so they just played the whole night
then next morning all either tired until sleep or go home
then there was barbeque
which was normal
anyway before this
i went to penang
to pai nian
i played firecrackers again
i accidentally dropped a rocket
then my uncle panic and quickly aim the rocket somewhere else
he nearly got burned
and he got angry
the rocket hit the wall and exploded
anyway now im addicted to mahjong
so anyone wanna play!?!
still nothing to report
but more importantly today is the last day of the 2cha chalet
around 8 girls out of 26 and almost every guy from our class went
i cant believe i just realized over the past few days that everyone 1 there was either gambling masters or learning to be 1
they just gambled and gambled the whole night
most gambled on blackjack
play until so hiong that they can all stand on table wait for the card to open
then everyone scream
i learned mahjong again
and its fun
but i don't know how to tell who want what tiles
so they just played the whole night
then next morning all either tired until sleep or go home
then there was barbeque
which was normal
anyway before this
i went to penang
to pai nian
i played firecrackers again
i accidentally dropped a rocket
then my uncle panic and quickly aim the rocket somewhere else
he nearly got burned
and he got angry
the rocket hit the wall and exploded
anyway now im addicted to mahjong
so anyone wanna play!?!
Monday, January 28, 2008
o lvl results plus post 90
gt back o lvl results on thursday
not the best of results
a frigging 15
but i couldnt really complain
at first i got my paper
i was liek 15?
my cousin gt a 9
but now i realised tt
only 10 ppl in my school could have gotten 9 and above
whats more is that he could have factored in cca and bonus pts
but i couldnt care less
but i was sad at first
then i tried to laugh so that i wouldnt cry there
its more or less a simple philosophy i have
but anyway
what really pissed me wasnt really my results
my mum's godmother ( which is my grand godmother, now that i think about it) actually called me tt day and asked about my results
so i just said 15
then she said tts good what tt means u passed
"now in retrospect i should have shut up here, but no i chose to keep saying)
i said ok la, alwin(my cousin) gt 9
orh liddat ar nvm still quite good
then i went pool at dhoby gaut
so FAST FORWARD to at night when i reached home
my mum had tt really sad/disappointed/angry face
so i was like i gt a 15 ,k still quite ok can go in jc
then she told me the whole story
apparently after the call my godmother told my grandmother(which was her sister) pretty much everything i told her
then she calls my mother and says
cannot like that compare 1
you son get 15 very good le
i hear already i want to take chopper kill her liao lor
talk until like i worthless like that
like my mother cannot produce smart children
so what her bloody grandson got a friggin 9
he not even the same surname as her arh
bloody hell
so as i hear finish her story
i felt very angry and also very sad at myself as well
i feel as if i let my mother down
make her throw face
i cried there on her bed
then my dad told me to choose whether jc or poly
i was still having teary eyes
so i told them i would take a shower
i cried there too
i just felt like my immediate family,
my mom dad and brother were ostrasized by them
most of my cousins were tan
me my brother and 2 cousins( my eldest uncles' sons) were the only sim
as in the 3rd generation
and they both are not like them
they are very kind and they think of others before themselves
something that seems to be lacking in my paternal family tree
maybe its because of their upbringing, they are not very rich
unlike the tan
but anyway i try not to think of them as much as i physically possible
which is difficult since we HAVE to visit each other every new year and good friday, which they make use of to sao mu, or pay respects to the deceased
anyway, i put tampines jc and catholic as my 1st 2 choices
hope i get in
remember what i did last year around this time of year
i tried to compile a list of what people felt and thought about me
so as to properly make my new years' resolution
this year i planned to do the same
but everyone seems busy
maybe i choose less people to give their opinions
maybe 6 or 4
but they will probably be close friends
well, we'll just have to wait and see
light 1 for the children
not the best of results
a frigging 15
but i couldnt really complain
at first i got my paper
i was liek 15?
my cousin gt a 9
but now i realised tt
only 10 ppl in my school could have gotten 9 and above
whats more is that he could have factored in cca and bonus pts
but i couldnt care less
but i was sad at first
then i tried to laugh so that i wouldnt cry there
its more or less a simple philosophy i have
but anyway
what really pissed me wasnt really my results
my mum's godmother ( which is my grand godmother, now that i think about it) actually called me tt day and asked about my results
so i just said 15
then she said tts good what tt means u passed
"now in retrospect i should have shut up here, but no i chose to keep saying)
i said ok la, alwin(my cousin) gt 9
orh liddat ar nvm still quite good
then i went pool at dhoby gaut
so FAST FORWARD to at night when i reached home
my mum had tt really sad/disappointed/angry face
so i was like i gt a 15 ,k still quite ok can go in jc
then she told me the whole story
apparently after the call my godmother told my grandmother(which was her sister) pretty much everything i told her
then she calls my mother and says
cannot like that compare 1
you son get 15 very good le
i hear already i want to take chopper kill her liao lor
talk until like i worthless like that
like my mother cannot produce smart children
so what her bloody grandson got a friggin 9
he not even the same surname as her arh
bloody hell
so as i hear finish her story
i felt very angry and also very sad at myself as well
i feel as if i let my mother down
make her throw face
i cried there on her bed
then my dad told me to choose whether jc or poly
i was still having teary eyes
so i told them i would take a shower
i cried there too
i just felt like my immediate family,
my mom dad and brother were ostrasized by them
most of my cousins were tan
me my brother and 2 cousins( my eldest uncles' sons) were the only sim
as in the 3rd generation
and they both are not like them
they are very kind and they think of others before themselves
something that seems to be lacking in my paternal family tree
maybe its because of their upbringing, they are not very rich
unlike the tan
but anyway i try not to think of them as much as i physically possible
which is difficult since we HAVE to visit each other every new year and good friday, which they make use of to sao mu, or pay respects to the deceased
anyway, i put tampines jc and catholic as my 1st 2 choices
hope i get in
remember what i did last year around this time of year
i tried to compile a list of what people felt and thought about me
so as to properly make my new years' resolution
this year i planned to do the same
but everyone seems busy
maybe i choose less people to give their opinions
maybe 6 or 4
but they will probably be close friends
well, we'll just have to wait and see
light 1 for the children
Friday, January 11, 2008
SRJC Orientation
The jc orientation is finally over
after 2 long weeks
the first five days were seriously boring, very very boring
there were subject talks where you'd sit in the hall for close to 2 hours
and my first orientation grouping was not very memorable
i honestly contemplated leaving the school and not coming back for the rest of the days
and the sample lectures sucked
but then came the last 3 days
everyone was reassigned new groups
this time, it was much more fun
because we could open up more
and there were games to keep us occupied
there were hell lot of fun
everyone was writing in their surveys
too short
must be longer
my second group(the fun one)
were more ready to speak up and try to lead in cheers
at least better than my first one
I also met a friend from primary school
we didn't know each others names at first
so i just said u from hips 1 right
easy starter conversation
for this orientation
i felt different
i wanted to stand out from the rest
be a leader
because i remember myself back in all the past camps, sec 1 sec 2 sec 3
npcc orientation also
i remember telling myself to shut up, even when i had a good idea
because i was always afraid that they would shoot me down
den i become very lau kui
very jia lat
then i look back and realise that
hey if i kept quiet i ended up after 4 years with nothing but a sergeant to show and not even any quartermaster or squad leader or even any best cadet award or something
den you will regret for the rest of your life
just like mine, always thinking, how i wished i spoke up more.
This time, i chose to speak up
i wanted to stand out from the rest
i at first tried being loud, but after the first hour
when it was not getting me or even any of us anywhere
i tried teaching the best of the best cheer
because our cheering was "subtle"
ya so i tried
and it feels good when people is paying attention
and then u tell them thisthisthisthisthatthatthatthat
and they actually listen!!! OMGWTF
yeah of course no one can master anything so quickly
then ended up having i shout the first few words den they just continue
but its good to know they actually tried
im not a student leader so i dont know how that feels
den play station games for all 3 days but the thing is that everyday gt like different "theme"
like first day is just normal
den second day is water games
and then third day is ra-ra games which is quite rough and competitive
when we dominate certain games,its usually because of individual brilliance
such as me when i tried to pass the chair from the back of the line in the first game we played as a grp
or paul for the taboo game, where he said american pa giu and the eagle puiA(fly in hokkien) in the sky
or sam and brenda in the passing out ball, their muo qi very gd can together carry so many ball across
we rocked
and i always forget how to cheer unless is my own cheer, so we everytime kanna confusion
i was also part of the aquila performance because i got forcefully "chosen" by my ogl
nicholas and xue fong
cuz they know that im loud
at first very xia suay
but den i sabo michael aso
so we tried our performance
and in turn made even more new friends
i think the performance group will naturally bond because we all have to work very hard together and come up with a performance in 2 days
so we will like go into overdrive straight away
something like how ppl will only study very very hard just before their o levels
something like that
oh ya and i gt kanna whack in the nose during our performance
but at least it looks smooth
and the mascot really flew and i feigned being beaten up
and the amazing race,
i brought nothing but a bottle
so i carried the flag most of the way
it really reminded me of my 10 km hike with my npcc unit
when i was as nco
we were always pushing for people to
and the crossword puzzle has very ridiculous clues
like no coke only pepsi
which is kfc
and the crossword puzzle was very difficult to even find the pieces
So thanks to all the OGLs, especially nicholas and xue fong, as well as our teachers, mr Ho and mr Lee.
after 2 long weeks
the first five days were seriously boring, very very boring
there were subject talks where you'd sit in the hall for close to 2 hours
and my first orientation grouping was not very memorable
i honestly contemplated leaving the school and not coming back for the rest of the days
and the sample lectures sucked
but then came the last 3 days
everyone was reassigned new groups
this time, it was much more fun
because we could open up more
and there were games to keep us occupied
there were hell lot of fun
everyone was writing in their surveys
too short
must be longer
my second group(the fun one)
were more ready to speak up and try to lead in cheers
at least better than my first one
I also met a friend from primary school
we didn't know each others names at first
so i just said u from hips 1 right
easy starter conversation
for this orientation
i felt different
i wanted to stand out from the rest
be a leader
because i remember myself back in all the past camps, sec 1 sec 2 sec 3
npcc orientation also
i remember telling myself to shut up, even when i had a good idea
because i was always afraid that they would shoot me down
den i become very lau kui
very jia lat
then i look back and realise that
hey if i kept quiet i ended up after 4 years with nothing but a sergeant to show and not even any quartermaster or squad leader or even any best cadet award or something
den you will regret for the rest of your life
just like mine, always thinking, how i wished i spoke up more.
This time, i chose to speak up
i wanted to stand out from the rest
i at first tried being loud, but after the first hour
when it was not getting me or even any of us anywhere
i tried teaching the best of the best cheer
because our cheering was "subtle"
ya so i tried
and it feels good when people is paying attention
and then u tell them thisthisthisthisthatthatthatthat
and they actually listen!!! OMGWTF
yeah of course no one can master anything so quickly
then ended up having i shout the first few words den they just continue
but its good to know they actually tried
im not a student leader so i dont know how that feels
den play station games for all 3 days but the thing is that everyday gt like different "theme"
like first day is just normal
den second day is water games
and then third day is ra-ra games which is quite rough and competitive
when we dominate certain games,its usually because of individual brilliance
such as me when i tried to pass the chair from the back of the line in the first game we played as a grp
or paul for the taboo game, where he said american pa giu and the eagle puiA(fly in hokkien) in the sky
or sam and brenda in the passing out ball, their muo qi very gd can together carry so many ball across
we rocked
and i always forget how to cheer unless is my own cheer, so we everytime kanna confusion
i was also part of the aquila performance because i got forcefully "chosen" by my ogl
nicholas and xue fong
cuz they know that im loud
at first very xia suay
but den i sabo michael aso
so we tried our performance
and in turn made even more new friends
i think the performance group will naturally bond because we all have to work very hard together and come up with a performance in 2 days
so we will like go into overdrive straight away
something like how ppl will only study very very hard just before their o levels
something like that
oh ya and i gt kanna whack in the nose during our performance
but at least it looks smooth
and the mascot really flew and i feigned being beaten up
and the amazing race,
i brought nothing but a bottle
so i carried the flag most of the way
it really reminded me of my 10 km hike with my npcc unit
when i was as nco
we were always pushing for people to
and the crossword puzzle has very ridiculous clues
like no coke only pepsi
which is kfc
and the crossword puzzle was very difficult to even find the pieces
So thanks to all the OGLs, especially nicholas and xue fong, as well as our teachers, mr Ho and mr Lee.
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
happy new year
but not much with the happy
i mean yeah i gt an xbox360(hinthint)
but i would have rather enjoyed more time out with friends and family
so it work both ways
last year i had a bunch of ppl whom i asked what they felt about me
that was so i could figure out what i did wrong last year and do it better in 2007
i wanted to do that again this year, but everyone seems so busy, no ones really online, so bo bian
everyone is busy as heels, so im bored
this holiday was supposed to be spectacular
i was gonna do this, do that, play this, play that
now it seems very meaningless
everyones off to work or whatever the heels they do
no fm with the 4 la liga teams
no soccer every week
no actual fun stuff
just work all the way
even the chalet was messed up ( the word "messed" is supposed to be replaced with the f word ) its called a 4hum chalet
not a private get together
the last time i checked 4hum had what 40 odd people excluding teachers
less than 20 were there
and even less stayed overnight
ending up with lots of excess food no one could eat( poor sherlyn, wee kiat, xin hui)
i mean hey its not their fault
but is the class of sec 4 humility 2007 seriously so pathetic, so spineless
or are we so very ashamed of our own class, we can't even come to a little gettogether, which they did not have the privilege of planing
BTW thanx to othe organizers of the chalet, sherlyn, xinui and weekiat and his parents! THANK YOU!!!
the biggest thing that happend before 2007 ended ( i used the term biggest loosely )
was POP
or passing out parade
it was the first of which we could use rifles or arms in the parade itself
so coming back to train brought back nostalgic moments
i honestly thought the parade itself was great
yeah there were a few mistakes here and there
but it happens
i just wished the day ended with the high from the parade.
the phototaking session after was also great
the party was abit less high
maybe it was because not all of us were there
the performance was there
the food was there
the atmosphere was there, thx alot to sec 1s and 2s
but something felt missing
i couldn't really pinpoint it
but i felt very strongly that it was because there were guests
i got the "vibe" that the people there were more or less entertaining guests
but thats just me you know
honestly, i know that everyone has put in alot of hard work for us
but not much with the happy
i mean yeah i gt an xbox360(hinthint)
but i would have rather enjoyed more time out with friends and family
so it work both ways
last year i had a bunch of ppl whom i asked what they felt about me
that was so i could figure out what i did wrong last year and do it better in 2007
i wanted to do that again this year, but everyone seems so busy, no ones really online, so bo bian
everyone is busy as heels, so im bored
this holiday was supposed to be spectacular
i was gonna do this, do that, play this, play that
now it seems very meaningless
everyones off to work or whatever the heels they do
no fm with the 4 la liga teams
no soccer every week
no actual fun stuff
just work all the way
even the chalet was messed up ( the word "messed" is supposed to be replaced with the f word ) its called a 4hum chalet
not a private get together
the last time i checked 4hum had what 40 odd people excluding teachers
less than 20 were there
and even less stayed overnight
ending up with lots of excess food no one could eat( poor sherlyn, wee kiat, xin hui)
i mean hey its not their fault
but is the class of sec 4 humility 2007 seriously so pathetic, so spineless
or are we so very ashamed of our own class, we can't even come to a little gettogether, which they did not have the privilege of planing
BTW thanx to othe organizers of the chalet, sherlyn, xinui and weekiat and his parents! THANK YOU!!!
the biggest thing that happend before 2007 ended ( i used the term biggest loosely )
was POP
or passing out parade
it was the first of which we could use rifles or arms in the parade itself
so coming back to train brought back nostalgic moments
i honestly thought the parade itself was great
yeah there were a few mistakes here and there
but it happens
i just wished the day ended with the high from the parade.
the phototaking session after was also great
the party was abit less high
maybe it was because not all of us were there
the performance was there
the food was there
the atmosphere was there, thx alot to sec 1s and 2s
but something felt missing
i couldn't really pinpoint it
but i felt very strongly that it was because there were guests
i got the "vibe" that the people there were more or less entertaining guests
but thats just me you know
honestly, i know that everyone has put in alot of hard work for us
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