Sunday, July 19, 2009

I am reminded

as i go about my days of typically avoiding homework, among other things, i sometimes forget that where i really want to go is britain. and subconciously, i will always put australia as my top choice when i go about and be exposed to media of many kinds.

and then i get reminded again

Proof there is a benevolent god. hahas

and yes her voice is sexy as hell.

Q.E.D (Check It up). Case In Point

Today 19/7/09, I am reminded of the joy of going to britain, even though i never went there before.

actually, sometimes i feel a little scared. my dad used to tell me that sometimes when you think that you know a certain country is going to be full of gorgeous girls or guys (for the ladies), and then when you go there, all those you seem to meet are always butt ugly. for instance, Japan, any nerd who watches anime will tell you that its their first choice if they ever had to migrate, hell they would even do it if they didn't need to.

but sadly, it's not how the media portrays them. korea is the same, australia is the same, hell even china is the same. and thats' speaking from experience.

so there is still that little inkling of fear, of disappointment really. Keeping my fingers crossed, however that helps.

oh yeah, and i finally finished reading Y: the last man. awesome comic/graphic novel, however you like to call it. it was 60 issue long and took 5 years. it starts off very exciting, then slowing down and then followed by even more excitement with a nice little ending, that's a little bittersweet. anyone who wants to read can ask from me, i have a thumbdrive of the whole set

someday, i'm going to write about why i hate reading novels.

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