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getting to call yourself a doctor is probably the most compelling reason, for me, srsly
i need a new blog where i can post pictures more easily, blogger sucks at that.
anyway, i was a chomp chomp with my family jus now, jelena smsed me to say that she saw me and called my name but i din hear. note to future people who may do that, FUCKING DON"T. i spent the whole meal looking for her, i was like looking up every time someone with longer than shoulders hair was around.
i was looking back everytime i took 2 steps.
i even goddamned looked around the whole hawker centre looking, even at the corner where there's nothing but people minding their business and looking at you.
what's worse was that she took bloody forever to respond. so i was like anticipating , and then i looked at my phone, then i looked at it again, then i looked at it again, then i set to to general profile, then when i shifted my seat i thought it vibrated and looked at it, AND THEN she responded.
its incredibly irritating, especially when i was eating. its' like if people told you a riddle but didn't tell you the answer. you keep thinking about it and didn't even know that you got it right.
anyway the college day celebrations was just now.
i know its the 20th college day and its supposed to be a big ceremony. but i think there was too much commotion over one day. i mean i could understand if it was for some big sponsorship or donation, but i doubt whatever they are giving can't be worth more than what you're shelling out.
i think its very much a thing about image. it's like a formality kind of thing. it's hard to ignore this event completely and you don't want to look like a kind of cheapo in front of guests even though it's ok to deprive other areas of funding, like ava. but its my opinion anyway.
and to be very very objective about it. it was not very interesting. it wasn't so much a celebration as it was a large scale gathering of people to tell them about our history and achievements, and that getting this principal was not a completely bad idea. the only really interesting part was when uncle henry and the drinks stall auntie got the service award. and of course some of the teachers as well, some more than others. but henry and the auntie got the loudest of it i think.
both the speeches were way too long and uninteresting. thorough out the speech i was thinking about what kind of face i should give next time i take a picture. it looks something like this :O and i also thought about how close a person has to be to be violating your "personal" space. generally if you were to stretch out your hand, from the tip of your fingers to the bottom of your palm is where most people whould be if they were talking to you 1 on 1. from that point to your elbow is if that person is talking about something very serious and for some reason wants to tell only you, like you have been blacklisted by the terrorists and he should be telling you about it. from your elbow all the way to your person is when a person i hugging you, if he/she is not, you are legally allowed to kick him in the groin or slap him/her. ok i made up the legal part, its more like socially tolerated.
i can't remember what else i have been thinking about for the past week. but i know it was quite a good week for me. i slept only like twice during all the lessons of the week. for some reason, i feel very confident and scared at the same time. its quite contradicting.
i also debated with elizabeth yesterday about religion, well it was more like i was invalidating her religion in particular. i find that i have to say different things to different people to convince them. that's why people are never fully convinced when they debate. because when they debate, they are only fact checking their own arguments. meaning, if pro and anti-abortion people debate, they always argue on the basis that they are correct as opposed to why the other side is wrong. so you can't ever fully convince the other side that they are wrong. this fact becomes more obvious when it comes to religion because priests already have an assumption that the bible is absolute, its' not possible to even hypothetically argue on the grounds that it is not, that's why its all from quoted from the bible. while scientists or atheists argue on the merit that it is POSSIBLE that it may be wrong and we should look for other sources for evidence, priests can't really do that. and worse still there is no real compromise for that assumption, its not like saying, it is possible to both earn money in a capitalistic way AND reduce pollution at the same time. you can't say you have believe in a bible.
anyway i have 2 very simple theories about the world, but it's incredibly difficult to convince people of it
Faith is irrational and
Either be happy or constantly try to improve, you can't have both. in order words, if you keep trying to improve, you will never be happy for a long enough period of time. i had a better phrasing in my head but i couldnt get it out.
faith is irrational is surprisingly hard to explain for some reason.
annyway, think about both of them, it's interesting to read the responses even though i know no one will bother, like all the past post pleaing for a reply.
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