Saturday, July 18, 2009

I've Forgotten What I Want To Write Again

I Started looking at some cool gifts like comics words BAM ZAP wallpaper and then i forgot that i had opened blogger

I Made A Revelation Today, all this time the only characters i really enjoyed watching in those really irritating disney shows were the supporting characters, like that pianist girl from high school musical (she's cute), the black dude with cornrows from that's so raven and every other actor in hannah montana, except anyone who has the last name cyrus and those actors that just show up in 1 show and then subsequently for all the ridiculous renunions

Even when i was young

maybe that's why i prefer shows where there is no real distinct MAIN characters, or more than 4, like friends and even stevens and leverage.

but house is still awesome.

harry potter comes out this week, actually came out. the producers who decided to make the book into a film hit the jackpot of all jackpots.

the harry potter film formula can be broken down into:

3 parts cockney (British) accented kid actors
1 part tween fans who are willing to spend ridiculous amount of said franchise
1 part plot that has already sold millions to said fans
and 2 parts awesome CGI effects only possible thanks to said fans

it's what made twilight popular !! although they skimped on the actors

i keep forgetting what i want to write

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