I need a greeting, especially since im' gonna do this everyday.
like hello internet, but that's already taken
anyway, spent the last hour doing some work, actually the hour before my dinner. but before you go out and say " Nil, you awesomely slacking compatriot, are you mugging IN THE CLOSET?!?" actually, i did my work over feeling guilty over (yes i used over twice in the same sentence) not doing anything constructive over the long weekend, which is 3/2 times longer than most weekends. heck, its' not even revision, it's just work i would have otherwise done in class today, had there been class today. officially i have spent at least a week not revising any work. the first week of school, i just had absolutely no mood whatsoever to do any kind of "real" work. maybe it was because the beatles rock band is coming, which i now own and is AWESOME, or that nobody is really around in school anymore, which makes not knowing how to do your work all the more irritating.
i'll be honest, i have to study around other people, because firstly i suck, and secondly, i suck and i end up pestering other people on how to do simple questions. so certain people get really annoyed when i do that, but it's not the majority so i still have a vast pool of resources to tap into (Muhahaha, people who are not annoyed).
so yeah, studying by yourself, no matter where you are is incredibly unfruitful (i'm not sure if that is a word), so i avoid it. but you can only avoid your work for so long before it finally catches up with you. and now i end up doing papers from at least 2 weeks since the teachers gone through them, so that when i ask my friends, they have some clue what i'm talking about.
we got our prelim results over the past friday. everyone in our class got our ranking points calculated wrongly. and more importantly, our scores and subsequently, our class average, should jump by around 5 points more. this is really weird because our class was the only one affected by the wrong calculation (i could be wrong but the other classes don't seem to be complaining), so when the principal showed the top classes, we might have beaten some of them. and by we i mean, elizabeth jason and the other freaks who actually study. anyway, our class average is around 50ish, which is not that bad until you remember, this score is after all the moderation(s). i'm not sure if i can call this "hypocritical" but you keep bashing us about not studying more and not working hard enough and not paying more attention to the question and yet, still give us extra points that we don't even deserve. How Dare You!?!?.
correct me if i'm wrong but any sort of moderation should be done using a bell curve (ask your local neighbourhood math tutor). our form or moderation just involves adding 5 or in the case of physics 7 more marks on top of what you already had. This, number 1, makes everybody equally better, which means relatively, there hasn't been any change whatsoever, so we aren't pulling the people at the rock bottom up so they don't feel insecure, but everyone, so we all feel better about ourselves. Number 2, why the need for this? we aren't going to be using this for any sort of assessment in the future and more importantly, this gives us the facade (pronounced far-car-dee) of being smart enough to pass our A levels, when we know we can't.
moderation like this is like going to the archery olympics and the referee saying that, since retard number 1 is going up against superman, i'll move the target closer for retard number 1 so he won't feel bad if he loses. what the hell? if exams were meant to make people feel adequate about their intelligence, might as well use primary school papers.
i'm not bashing on people who did poorly in exams, because i know and genuinely believe that they worked hard, sometimes, we are just that unlucky. but i felt that jumping one grade for everyone is necessary. especially since i felt the i deserved my original score because i am that unfocused. and even more so after i've come to terms with how retarded i was (at that one specific paper).
anyway before you start shouting "Nil, you cheeky backstabbing monkey, does that mean you did very well for this prelims" heck no. allow me to rephrase myself. HECK NO. officially i got a 50, which for my non-jc friends, is upon 90, which means i am passing. well, non-jc friends. not really, because on average, people need upwards of 70 to get into a local university. furthermore, that was after moderation. if based on my actual results, i should have gotten a 30 + 10 for PW. essentially meaning that i got 2 E and 3 S, you go and do the calculations yourself, but that essentially means fucked up, if this happens again in A levels. and this realization is made so much worse when you realize that other people are getting upwards of 70, and they did the same paper as you.
you're so screwed.
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