awake, yet? still trying out the greeting thing, anyway, back to stuff that doesn't matters.
the dude you see above is douglas, and he came to our school and talked to us, which was cool. he comes off as a really semi domesticated culturised japanese, which i have no idea what that means. but he's singaporean, very singaporean. he's most probably brought up in a chinese environment, since he can just spew off couplets ( repeat after me Cheng Yu !!) like just off the cuffs. i probably just misused the phrase off the cuffs. anyway, he comes to our school, talks about his life at this company called apex-pal, which honestly is a really retarded name for a company, no matter how small that is. i mean, can you imagine a bunch of directors and bigwigs sitting at a table going, hmm, glennard pte ltd, no, glennard incorporated, no, glennard he's so awesome enterprise, no, and then little douglas meekly whispers, apex-pal? and then the directors going WHOOOOO!!!!! WE GOT IT!! like a frat party.
just wondering if you could imagine that.
anyway, what astonishes me (ok, exaggeration) was that he just took chances and things just worked out for him. i suspect that there was more going on in the shadows, but really, "i just chose vitamin E because i was introduced to it" Come on. and all 4 of his sons nams start with do and have 3 syllables, like dominic, donovan and some other name i can't remember.
also, he came off as this guy who was really committed to what he wanted to do and how he wanted to do it. he was like "VALUES SYSTEM !!!" and then pointing out his index finger at the student who asked a question, and then rainbows came out and a unicorn jumped over the table. ok i was kidding that din happen.
but still, he was very committed and he talked about how he got 4 jobs within the 3 months after a levels and before ns. which when you think about it is quite amazing. he had a job in a power plant in the morning, a teaching stint for 10 weeks (2 and a half months for you all who suck at math), a job at a bakery and another doing market research (ie dumbass surveys). all of these jobs are time-consuming and tiring and still he held on to them for 3 months, which is kinda amazing. even more amazing was that during ns itself, he managed to pack 8 2-hour tuition lessons into those weekends, letting him rack up 5-6k per month, completely pwning his ns (officer, that is) pay of 1k.
as i heard about him talk about his jobs and also people asking for internships (is it just me, or is it becoming a recurring question?), i was thinking about going to a job agency and telling the clerk, get me the craziest job that i have the qualification for. which is awesome, because i have no idea what the hell i'm gonna do. imagine like, suddenly, the clerk calls you and says, "we have an opening for a parachute tester, would you li---- HELL,YES!!"
also, breaking news, i have been singing get back by the beatles wrongly for the past week,
and i just found out about it
like jojo was a man who thought he was a loner, but he nanananananana
amd then that for about 3,4 more lines then, GET BACK, GET BACK, which is essentially the chorus, and that was awesome to sing, out loud, when people seem to be staring at me, is that a chinese dude, what's in his bag?
and you know, the douglas i was talking about, he's the CEO of Sakae Sushi.
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