Sunday, September 28, 2008


List of games i wanna get for my xbox360

Castle Crashers $15-$30
Rock Band 2 (great party game, dunno worth or not) $200-$300
Rock Band 1 (either or) $229
Burnout Paradise 2nd Hand $40-$60 First hand $70
The Force Unleashed Loan $15-$25
Devil May Cry 4 Loan $15-$25

I also want a psp

Anyone thinking of getting me a christmas gift?


My closest friends are often times those that have almost nothing in common with me, be it hobbies, interests or personalities

At this point, if i had a nice group photo, i would it rite where this chunk of text would be, but unfortunately, im not photogenic, not in the least.

Pietro is the one male person i trust the most. He is, actually i don't know what the hell he is interested in, but anyway, he was in my primary 6 class and in my p6 end-of-year camp group, and i actually only remembered he was in my class at that time, because he was very quiet. Anyway, he came to be in the same class as me for the next 2 years, then went on to take pure bio. He is a quiet person, but becomes more social as time goes by, which is the opposite of me, being loud, then quiet, then even louder (and more vulgar). he has this air of "coolness" surrounding him, he does not need to say much to get people to respect him. Anyone who knows me can say that that will never happen to me. Everyone trusts him and everyone, including me can tell him secrets and confide in him.

Wen Hui is the one female person that i can trust the most. there is quite an interesting story to how i got to know her as a person, but that is another story for another day. She was in the same class as me throughout the secondary school years. Anyway, she is interested in Jay Chou and Survivor and korean and jap dramas, all of which i find retarded. But despite these, i find that she is the one person i can talk to whenever i'm down. Anytime i need help i know she will do her best. She is a quiet person who likes to stay at home and read or something, unlike me.

Jelena is another one of my close friends. Strong believer in Catholicism and good samaritan all around, she yearns to travel around the world, to places like kenya to help them. She is optimistic at best,which is the opposite of me. Interested in dirty and racist jokes. She is a very fun person to talk to simply because she can be very random.

I feel like an advertising agent for writing this
anyway, i hope friends really do last forever as im writing this
then again, i simply hope


can someone tag my tagboard, its very very old and rusty


it rox to have your exams end just before the weekends
that means your weekends wont be wasted